Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 2

Spent some time yesterday trying to get this listed on some blog directories. Hopefully it'll get read, and read often. I'm not going to lie, I'm an attention whore and I want people to read what I write. I mean honestly anybody who puts a blog up on a public internet site is lying if they say they're not looking for traffic. If your sole purpose is to vent and you honestly don't care if anybody reads it or not, open up Word and quit taking my audience's valuable time.

My selfless act of working on Thanksgiving day....ok yah I can't pull that off, it was anything but selfless. It gave me an opportunity to whine about having to work on a holiday, a hobby shared by a coworker of mine who lives to whine. The only difference is that I do with style and wit what she does with annoyance and self righteousness. I'm not afraid or ashamed to admit I am full of shit and I am totally aware of that fact. She on the other hand thinks the world is out to get her and every little affront is a personal one designed solely to fuck her right up the ass with no lube.

How did I get off topic? Oh yah, bitching about someone else. I love to do that. Anyway, I worked Thanksgiving and the merits of that showed themselves this morning in my bank account. Thank you, asshole employer for giving us time and a half to work some holidays. I say some because it's only like 3 a year even though we're open 365 days. And people take advantage of that fact too. We were busier on Christmas Day than we were the day that the local major league football team got eliminated from the Superbowl. How fucking sad is that??

My family and I must be a family full of freaks because the last thing on our minds on holidays was to go out and [DELETED AS IDENTIFIER] after we got done with our holiday fun, be that eating on Thanksgiving or opening presents on Christmas or having a picnic on July 4th. No, instead we would grab a beer or mix a drink or have some iced tea, break out the board games and actually spent time interacting with one another. I know...SHOCKING!

But, whatever. I'll gladly take time and a half because you don't want to listen to your Mawmaw describe her shingles for the 178th time. Plus, it gives me the chance to prepare a holiday meal on a day that grocery stores are actually open so that when I realize that I have forgotten that can of chicken stock or package of rolls, I can actually go out and get them and not have to fight 150 people for the last packet of Gravy Helper.

Ok, seriously. What is it about holiday food shopping that causes the brain to have a major shortage every year? You could be 97 years old, have been shopping for holiday dinner every single year since you were a fetus, have the worlds best, most thought out and well organized shopping list and you WILL always invariably forget at least 4 things that you need. And it's not like you don't need them every year cuz you do. You get celery for stuffing EVERY FUCKING YEAR....yet you cannot seem to remember to actually *put it in the cart* while you're in the produce section getting the head of garlic that you'll only use 3 cloves of and that will sit in your kitchen for the next 3 months as it attempts to turn into something akin to a science experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong.

The Young And The Restless is about to come on and I've exhausted this particular venty space so I'm going to sign off now and take copious amounts of pleasure from watching people who's lives are far more drama filled and unbelievable than mine will ever hope to be. At least that is my wish.

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