Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 19

Yah yah I know I'm not posting every day. Still a hell of a lot better than past blogs have been and at least it's not posts full of crap but actually posts where I have something to say.

Like today! Today I have something to say to all the assholes out there who think it's "bad parenting" to actually want to control the behavior and actions of your children. I linked a story I read on CNN to my facebook recently about a journalist who is lambasting the parents participating in the lawsuit against McDonald's and their Happy Meal Toys.

Here's a protip for all you lazy ass parents out there: It is not the retailers of this country's (or world's) job to raise your children! That's YOUR JOB!

I'll give you a moment to digest that. Yes, you as parents are actually expected to raise your children. It is the job of retailers to make money, to keep our economy going, to keep our capitalist society humming busily along so that you have the freedom and cash to file frivolous lawsuits against people because they won't raise your children for you.

If your child is fat, take the fucking cookie out of their hand, give them an apple or a piece of celery, turn off the TV and tell them to go outside and climb a tree or something. Stop blaming fast food restaurants because you can't say no to your child.

The fat merchants of this land do not need a lesson in how to better cater to your whims as a dysfunctional parent. YOU need lessons on how to not be a lazy, blame passing asshat of a child rearer. Stop looking for every available excuse as to why your child is fucked up and start looking in your own back yard. PARENT YOUR CHILDREN! It is not MY job to raise your child any more than it is YOUR job to raise mine.

And for the love of Christ, stop allowing your child to run roughshod all over God's green earth while you're out in the world among the 3 dimensional people. It is not the job of retailers to babysit your child while you shop. A store is not a daycare center. Candy displays are not all you can eat free buffets. If you're too busy to watch your child and your child opens up candy, you bet your sweet bippy I'm adding that onto your bill when your dumbass is done shopping. I don't give a shit whether you wanted your child to have it or not, fact is, it's yours now. Deal with it. Cuz if your child gets snatched up by some pervert while you're too busy flipping through magazines to watch them and you have the unmitigated gall to claim you only turned your back for a second while you cry into the camera on the 10 o'clock news, I'm calling the station and I will flat out call you a big fat liar.

Stop expecting the world to parent your child. You are given that name for a reason. You're also given the ultimate gift of offspring. Don't squander it or otherwise piss it away.

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