Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 13

Skipped a couple days, but as mentioned earlier, weekends are hard to find time to post and the hubs was off work today due to the snow dump that mother nature took on us over the weekend.

My stepson turned 18 yesterday. I've known him since he was 5 so he'd probably be hard pressed to think back to a time in his life when I haven't been with his dad. He and his brother have never lived with us and because of the relationship between their parents, we don't see them as often as we'd like. Or at least as often as I would like. He plays our video game online with us so there's a certain level of social interaction but not what it should be. It makes me sad in some ways to think about it because I want very much for them to be involved in my daughter's life but I don't want them to think that she means more to their father than they do.

They came to her first birthday party last year and I am hoping they'll come to her 2nd one next year but every time that I ask if they'd be willing to come to something like that or try to find out if they want to spend time with her and us, I can't help but feel like it might be hurting their feelings knowing that I'm seemingly more interested in them spending time with my daughter and us than I was with us spending time with them.

It's hard being a step parent to children who don't live with you. You want to make sure that you have a place in their lives and in their hearts but you don't want to overstep your bounds and intrude on an otherwise tenuous relationship. Especially when their mother is a raging bitch. Once when they were little, I got up with them to make them breakfast and got a tongue lashing over the phone from their mother afterwards for my trouble. Not to mention that my husband had a brief affair with her about 5 years into our relationship. It's all very Days Of Our Lives.

On another (still family) front, my sister-in-law is rapidly approaching the Batshit Crazy phase of Middle Age, believing that everything is a conspiracy designed to get her to eat a big mac and get a flu shot while lying to her about the true culprits behind 9/11. Watching her rant and rave about how Big Government is out to screw over the poor organic farmers of the world and how Big Government is trying to get her to give her son autism through his vaccinations is almost more than I can stand. And almost enough to make me want to punch her in the mouth. Or at the very least hit her upside the head with a Nerf bat. I'm half expecting her next Facebook status update to include the brand new pictures of their Shack-In-The-Woods where they can start stockpiling ammunition and theorizing on exactly how the Government is going to screw them out of their organic fruit pie.

Oh how I long for the days when the most agonizing decisions I had to make revolved around which shade of eye shadow went better with my acid washed jeans and whether or not my Lee Press-ons were convincing enough to pass off as real fingernails.

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